Two studies provide reference points for most of the research based in Jirdarup: a 1992 publication by Ray Cranfield & Cheryl Parker, “Flowering Calendar for Reserve No 3694,” based on their observations in 1982 and Margaret Turpin’s 1990 survey of the fauna. Since then, many scientists and aspiring scientists have turned to this bushland to study its flora and fauna.
The list below has been compiled by the Friends of Jirdarup Bushland since their inception in 1999. It includes research undertaken in Jirdarup or of specific relevance to its evolution, care and management. Most are referenced in Jirdarup Bushland and the Friends who care for it. Copies of unpublished papers are available from us on request for research purposes. Their use is subject to the usual copyright protocols.
Abbott, I & A Wills (2002). Distribution of the native earthworm fauna of the Perth metropolitan sector of the Swan Coastal Plain. Pacific Conservation Biology 8(3), P196-210.
Banks PB & Bryant JV (2007). Four-legged friend or foe? Dog walking displaces native birds from natural areas. Biology Letters Dec 22; 3(6), P611–613.
Bougher NL, Hart R, Zappia R, Weaver J (2006). Kensington Bushland fungi report, 2005. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA.
Bridges PJ Ed (1992). Aboriginal Perth: Bibbulmum Biographies and Legends by Daisy Bates. Hesperian Press, Victoria Park.
Cook, Denise (2019). That Was My Home: Voices of the Noongar Camps in Fremantle and the Western Suburbs, UWA Publishing, Perth.
Cranfield RJ & Parker CM (1992). Flowering Calendar for Reserve No 3694. WA Naturalist 19: 48-60.
Ecologia Australia (2018). Kensington Bushland Management Plan, Prepared for the Town of Victoria Park.
Ecoscape (2004). Remnant Bushland Management Plan prepared for the Town of Victoria Park.
Emerge Associates (2020). ‘Design Opportunities and Considerations Report’ for the Kent St Sandpit. Prepared for the Town of Victoria Park.
Emerge Associates (2022). ‘Targeted Rainbow Bee-Eater Survey. Kent St Sand Pit. Prepared for the Town of Victoria Park.
Fitzpatrick, E N. (2011). In response to need, a history of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture-1894 to 2008. Department of Agriculture and Food, WA, Perth, WA.
Groom, Geoffrey (2019). A photographic record of a possible New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae longirostris × White-cheeked Honeyeater P. niger gouldii hybrid. Australian Field Ornithology 36, P154–157.
Hansen, V & Horsfall J. (2016) Noongar Bush Medicine: Medicinal Plants of the South-West of Western Australia. UWA Publishing, Perth.
Herbert DA, (1919). The Western Australian Christmas tree. Nuytsia floribunda (the Christmas Tree)-its structure and parasitism. JPRSWA 5, P72-88.
Johnstone, RE, Kirkby, T, Sarti, K. (2017). The Distribution, Status Movements and Diet of the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo in the South-West with emphasis on the Greater Perth Region, Western Australia. The Western Australian Naturalist 30, 4.
Kenny, Silver (2005). Ecosystem Health and Function of Kensington Bushland Reserve. School of Environment and Science, Murdoch University. Unpublished paper.
Kensington Bushland Management Plan (1993). Prepared by the Department of Parks, Gardens and Landscape. Perth City Council.
Kensington Bushland Reserve Management Plan (1999). Prepared by E J Sharman for the Town of Victoria Park.
Land for Wildlife (2006). Kensington Bushland Reserve. Report No 1346 prepared by Claire Hall.
Lavigne, Robert (2011). A new species of Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera) from Western Australia. The South Australian Naturalist, 85(1), P14-20.
Mason L, Bateman PW, Miller BP & Wardell-Johnson GW (2019). Ashes to Ashes: Intense fires extinguish populations of urban short-range endemics. Austral Ecology, 44, P514-522.
OTEK (2009). Detailed site investigation, 63 Kent Street Kensington. Report prepared for the Town of Victoria Park.
Perth’s Bushplan (1998). Released by Western Australian Planning Commission.
Ritchie, A and Svejcar, L (2020). Banksia woodlands: 30 years in review. For People & Plants, Issue 11, P34-37.
Rubiano M (2020). Why Leashing Dogs Is an Easy Way to Protect Birds and Their Chicks. Audubon Magazine. Accessed 21 August 2022.
Stenhouse R (2000). Kensington Bushland Study, Department of Geography University of Western Australia. Unpublished paper.
Williams, MR (2009). Butterflies and day-flying moths in a fragmented urban landscape, south-west Western Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology Vol 15, P32-46.