
The Precinct is home to an amazing array of native plants.

Donkey orchid by Wendy Peace


Flora of Jirdarup Bushland Precinct

At least 200 native plant species have been recorded in Jirdarup from the majestic Jarrah to the tiniest orchids.

Three species of banksia, B menziesii, B attenuata and B ilicifolia dominate with Nuytsia floribunda (WA Christmas Tree) making a show in Birak/summer. 

There are eight tree species endemic to Jirdarup. 

In Djilba and Kambarang (around spring), the bushland bursts into flower and visitors can enjoy donkey and sun orchids, Swan River Myrtle, the Star of Bethlehem and many more.

While there is no single comprehensive list of the flora of Jirdarup, several subsets exist and are continually being refined:

  • The Town of Victoria Park’s Kensington Bushland Management Plan 2018 includes an extensive list.
  • Dr Barbara Rye recently compiled a list of species recorded in the WA Herbarium data base. Get a copy of the table here.
  • Diaries kept by Friends of Kensington Bushland coordinator Gwynth Schlipalius and other Friends since 2000 have identified 24 different orchid species in the Kensington Bushland. Get a complete list here.

Some are also listed in our featured bushland life and images of the flora feature regularly in our Facebook posts.