Almost 70 species of birds have been observed in Jirdarup, some regularly and others passing through. For these birds to thrive, state and local governments must make a concerted effort to increase the tree canopy and conserve bushlands that provide a variety of plants that are suitable for the birds to find food, shelter and nesting sites.
Publication of our second book about the Birds of Jirdarup has been a priority for 2023 and 2024. The author Dr Dan Carter is a local who has spent a lifetime studying birds and can tell so many interesting stories about their behaviour as well as being able to recognise their unique sounds.
The guide is designed for people who want to identify the birds they see in our banksia woodlands and to help them thrive by providing bird habitats in their gardens across the suburbs. It includes photos and a brief description of 50 birds that might be seen over the period of a year have been included. Water birds that are only seen flying over are not included. The list is based on the birds identified in Appendix 8 of our recent publication about Jirdarup Bushland.
A very big ‘Thank you’ to our major sponsor, the Wettenhall Environment Trust, and to our local Member of Parliament, Hon Hannah Beazley MLA, for their generous support to bring so much knowledge together in one place.
The Wettenhall Environment Trust provides grants to support projects that enhance and maintain the vitality and diversity of the Australian natural living environment.
In addition to information about the birds, the publication has a strong conservation message including ideas for local gardeners to adapt their gardens to increase food and habitat for our local birds.
There is also a strong Noongar element which includes several Dreamtime stories about birds found in Jirdarup. Our Djerap brochure includes some of these stories.
Once again, local photographers have generously donated a collection of great images. Western Australia’s own birdman Eric McCrum OAM has given the project his tick of approval.
In putting this publication together, we have across many web-based resources to attract birds to your garden.
Thank you to those photographers who have provided such wonderful photos.