Our newsletters aim to keep you informed of what is happening in and around Jirdarup and to give our friends and supporters an opportunity to learn more about one another, and what Jirdarup means to them.
If you have something to contribute, we would love to hear from you. Please send your ideas to news@friendsofjirdarupbushland.org.au. If possible, include one photograph and 100-200 words of text.
To subscribe to our newsletter, complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Follow the links below to read our newsletters. Our next newsletter will be in Summer 2024 – deadline for input is 30 December 2024.
September 2024: Djilba
April 2024: Djeran
December 2023: Birak
September 2023: Djilba
January 2023: Birak
September 2022: Djilba
April 2022: Djeran
December 2021: Birak
September 2021: Djilba
July 2021: Makuru