Our Book about Jirdarup

This delightful coffee table book will inspire you with its photographs and its stories of how a community saved this treasured inner-city Banksia woodlands. It was launched by Mayor Karen Vernon on 16 September 2023.

Our book Jirdarup Bushland and the Friends who care for it is now available.  You can read it here or purchase a copy online from our store and at our events.  More than 50 people have freely contributed expertise, memories and photographs.  Schools in the Victoria Park area and the local library also have copies as does the State Library of Western Australia.

The purpose of the book is to increase awareness of this “jewel in the crown” of Victoria Park and to be a resource to increase community awareness of the wonders of urban bushland and the many different ways in which individuals can contribute to its conservation and restoration.

The Town of Victoria Park provided a Community Arts Grant to fund the graphic design and printing of the story. Printing costs are being further supported by a personal donation from Mayor Karen Vernon. Even so, we needed to reprint more to meet demand.

The idea for this book arose in 2022, when we included a history display with our Images competition in the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts.

It provoked significant interest and that information has now formed the basis for our book.  The history covers the development in and around the site since 1901, the recollections of local people who have been visiting different parts of the site since the 1950s, and information about the plants and wildlife found there over the last 100 years.

The story reflects on the impact of European settlement on a parcel of land that the Whadjuk people inhabited for over 50,000 years and its progressive conservation and restoration since 2000 in response to community pressure. The Precinct itself is within a 40Ha (100 acre) area leased to the then Municipality of Victoria Park by the State government for 999 years in 1912.

We know from newspaper reports that there were kangaroos and emus around Victoria Park in the early 1900s and that as early as 1899, there was concern that enthusiasm for the local wildflowers would put their survival at risk.

Read some of the reviews here.