Scarlet Bracket Fungus
Fungi of Jirdarup Bushland Precinct
In July 2023, almost 100 people came out for a Walk & Talk on the fungi and slime mould in the bushland. The presentations were fascinating and informative. Few in the audience knew that fungi and slime moulds are neither plants nor animals, nor are they the same.
- Laurton McGurk and Roz Hart presentation on fungi
- Karina Knight presentation on slime moulds
Presentations are available on request.
Fungimap coordinated by iNaturalist is a citizen science project to record fungi across Australia.
The Perth Urban Bushland Fungi walk at Kensington Bushland on 19 July 2005 produced the first and only inventory of fungi for Kensington Bushland. The report suggested that this list represented a very small portion of the fungi likely to be present and recommended repeated surveys during the fungi season as well as in successive years. This study was one of many conducted across the Perth Metropolitan area.
A wide range of fungi were observed including:
- Golden Wood Fungus (Gymnopilus allantopus)
- decomposers of leaf litter such as Limacella pitereka, or “Slimacella”
- mycorrhizal fungi such as Amanita, Cortinarius, Laccaria and Ramaria.