In 2020 deaths of several tall gum trees nearby set off alarm bells among the Friends of Jirdarup Bushland. The following year, they observed an apparent increase in deaths of mature Jarrah trees in the bushland itself.
Subsequently, the Friends prepared a report for the Town showing that 15 mature jarrah trees had died in the previous 18 months. Another 19 trees were classified as dying or unhealthy.
The Town commissioned an investigation. Soil and plant samples were tested. Although symptoms in one area were indicative of Dieback, all samples were negative. This result was not considered conclusive however due to the suppressing effect of the particularly hot and dry summer.
Other areas had different symptoms and the report concluded that in these areas “it is likely that the longer-term pattern of Jarrah decline is largely driven by the increasing frequency of drought, due to climate change, and is in some areas exacerbated by secondary pathogens or pests such as eucalyptus borer.” A manganese deficiency was also considered likely to be contributing to the decline.
A series of remedial actions is with the Town for implementation.