Fungi and slime mould are the unsung heroes of the bushland and essential to its ecological health.

Learn about the THIRTY species of fungi and slime mould recorded in Jirdarup (Kensington Bushland fungi report 2005). Followed by a guided fungi hunt in Jirdarup Bushland.

Presenters and guides are:

  • Roz Hart was involved in the Perth Urban Bushland Fungi project 2004-2011. She is now working on Fungi4Land to guide land managers in the use of fungi for soil regeneration and runs workshops and excursions for WA Naturalists’ Club.
  • Laurton McGurk, mycologist and President of Fungimap Australia
  • Karina Knight is Perth’s foremost slime mould researcher, formerly with the WA Herbarium

A $5 donation at the door is appreciated.

The venue has free parking and morning tea provided.

Read about the event and get a copy of presentations here.

Roz, Laurton and Karina