Kensington Precinct development update

Public consultation has commenced on the Kensington Precinct which will replace the old government buildings opposite Jirdarup.

Public consultation has commenced on the Kensington Precinct which will replace outdated government buildings with an urban precinct. The project is being led by DevelopmentWA.

This precinct borders on Jirdarup – in fact on the Kensington Bushland Reserve in Jirdarup which, according to Distinguished Professor Kingsley Dixon, is the most pristine and highest quality banksia woodland in inner-city Perth – with greater ecological integrity than Kings Park.

The WA Government has the opportunity to make this development a true green corridor next to the bushland. The City of South Perth is already growing plants sourced from the Bushland. The birds are already looking for food and shelter beyond the Bushland. The reptiles are already crossing the road.

The Town of Victoria Park has led the way in protecting and expanding Jirdarup. Let’s hope its next door neighbour, the City of South Perth, pressures the State Government to follow suit.

Minister for Planning John Carey MLA is the responsible Minister and Hannah Beazley MLA is the local Member. Even though the area is in the City of South Perth, it lies in the Victoria Park electorate at the State level. 

There are some inspiring ideas from around the world that could inform this development. There are also of course local policy and plans that provide the context. 

Ideas for around the world:

Local policies and plans: