Cathy Taylor was pivotal in bringing this bushland as well as other remnant bushland to the attention of the Victoria Park Council from its formation in 1994.
She was always concerned about urban bushland and was an inaugural member of the Urban Bushland Council. In 1994, Cathy was elected to the inaugural Town of Victoria Park Council as a green independent.
In 1999, 12 months prior to the Kensington Bushland being declared a Bush Forever Site, Cathy initiated the formation of the Friends of Kensington Bushland with Gwynth Schlipalius as its inaugural convenor.
Cathy was also instrumental in saving other remnant bushland in Victoria Park, including Hillview Tce Community Bushland. Because the site was on Commonwealth land, Cathy was able to persuade local federal Member, The Hon Kim Beazley AC, to have the land transferred to Victoria Park at a nominal value and conserved for future generations.
The Etwell Street entrance to the Kensington Bushland Reserve was named the Cathy Taylor Entrance in 2004.
Read more about Cathy in Jirdarup Bushland and the Friends who care for it.