The latest on the Sandpit Restoration

Keep up to date with what’s happening at the Kent Street Sandpit, bearing in mind this is a long-term project to restore the Banksia woodlands more than 80 years since excavations began....

Weeding is on

New weeders, starting 22 June 2024....

Trees in Jirdarup

In addition to the trees in Kensington Bushland, there are over 500 trees in and around Jirdarup. We have the formula to calculate the age of the Jarrah and Marri....

That is not a weed

It's important to get to know your weeds. If in doubt, don't pull it out....

Hand Weeding Project

Weeds are one of the biggest threats to urban bushland, disturbing natural ecosystems and threatening biodiversity by competing with native species, changing soil conditions and increasing fuel load....

Recovering from the 2016 Bushfire

After the 2016 bushfire, considerable effort has gone into revegetation and recovering the biodiversity that was lost. In this video, we look at the change since the fire....

Planting is always popular

There is always a great turn out for planting events....