
Watch a Trapdoor open....

Raven consuming Zamia

Who has been chewing that Zamia pod?...

What’s to love about Jirdarup

Clare will inspire you to visit. Join her in imagining it 100s and 1000s of years ago....

Jirdarup from the air

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to soar like a bird? Shot by Derrin Kee for the Town of Victoria on 21 August 2022....

For lovers of Cockatoos

See the Cockatoos enjoy the bird waterers....

Jirdarup – the Movie

This video gives an overview of the Jirdarup Bushland Precinct, the Friends of Jirdarup Bushland and their recent activities, thanking the volunteers for their contributions to the maintaining its biodiversity....

Conservation is good for you

Listen to long term Friend, Dr Helen Brown, on why conservation is good for you. As a local who lives near the bushland she finds conservation and volunteering is enriching her life....

Recovering from the 2016 Bushfire

After the 2016 bushfire, considerable effort has gone into revegetation and recovering the biodiversity that was lost. In this video, we look at the change since the fire....