Birds included in this list have been identified from research papers, former Friends member Robert Audcent or in the eBird Hotspot directory. Names of birds are consistent with The Compact Australian Bird Guide, Jeff Davies et al 2022. The likelihood of sighting each bird is listed next to the common name using the following key:
- A: Resident, seen on most visits
- B: Common, likely to be seen
- C: Seasonal, seen only in the appropriate season
- D: Uncommon, rarely seen
- E: Rare, probably seen once or twice in the bushland, or flying over
This table appears in part as Appendix 8 in Jirdarup Bushland and the Friends who care for it. The 53 most common appear in our book Birds of Jirdarup. As new information is sourced, it will be added to the list.
Recent additions:
- Purpureicephalus spurius, Red-capped Parrot. Photographed by Shane Healy Oct 2023, Veronica Mc Phail Oct 2024.
Scientific name | Common name | First identified record | |
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa | Yellow-rumped Thornbill | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Acanthorhynchus superciliosus | Western Spinebill | E | eBird Hotspot 20 Feb 2016 |
Accipiter cirrocephalus | Collared Sparrowhawk | D | Turpin 199051 |
Accipiter fasciatus | Brown Goshawk | B | Turpin 1990 |
Anas gracilis | Grey Teal | E | eBird Hotspot 24 July 21 |
Anas superciliosa | Pacific Black Duck | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Anhinga novaehollandiae | Australasian Darter | E | eBird Hotspot 17 Feb 2015 |
Anthochaera carunculata | Red Wattlebird | A | Turpin 1990 |
Anthochaera lunulata | Western Wattlebird | E | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Apus pacificus | Pacific Swift | E | eBird Hotspot 7 Mar 2019 |
Ardea alba | Great Egret | E | eBird Hotspot 6 Feb 2015 |
Barnardius zonarius | Australian Ringneck | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Cacatua sanguinea | Little Corella | B | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Cacatua tenuirostris | Long-billed Corella | B | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Cacomantis flabelliformis | Fan-tailed Cuckoo | D | eBird Hotspot 4 June 2019 |
Cacomantis pallidus | Pallid Cuckoo | E | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Calyptorhynchus banksia | Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo | C | Observed by Friends since 2007 |
Chrysococcyx lucidus | Shining Bronze-Cuckoo | E | eBird Hotspot 11 Feb 2018 |
Columba livia | Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon | B | eBird Hotspot 9 July 2016 |
Coracina novaehollandiae | Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike | B | Turpin 1990 |
Corvus coronoides | Australian Raven | A | Turpin 1990 |
Cracticus torquatus | Grey Butcherbird | B | Kenny 2005108 |
Dacelo novaeguineae | Laughing Kookaburra | B | Kenny 2005 |
Dicaeum hirundinaceum | Mistletoebird | C | Kenny 2005 (noted in Nov 24 that these birds breed nearby in South Perth). |
Elanus axillaris | Black-shouldered Kite | E | Turpin 1990 |
Eolophus roseicapilla | Galah | B | Observed by Friends since 2000 |
Falco longipennis | Australian Hobby | E | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | E | eBird Hotspot 7 Mar 2019 |
Gerygone fusca | Western Gerygone | D | eBird Hotspot 20 May 2016 |
Glyciphila melanops | Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | D | eBird Hotspot 26 Dec 2015 |
Grallina cyanoleuca | Magpie-lark | A | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Gymnorhina tibicen | Australian Magpie | A | Turpin 1990 |
Haliastur sphenurus | Whistling Kite | E | eBird Hotspot 9 Jan 2019 |
Hieraaetus morphnoides | Little Eagle | E | eBird Hotspot 9 Jan 2017 |
Hirundo neoxena | Welcome Swallow | B | Turpin 1990 |
Lalage tricolor | White-winged Triller | E | eBird Hotspot 27 Jan 2019 |
Lichenostomus virescens | Singing Honeyeater | A | Turpin 1990 |
Lichmera indistincta | Brown Honeyeater | A | Turpin 1990 |
Merops ornatus | Rainbow Bee-eater | C | Observed by Friends since 2000 |
Neophema elegans | Elegant Parrot | E | eBird Hotspot 21 Aug 2019 |
Ninox boobook | Australian Boobook | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Ocyphaps lophotes | Crested Pigeon | D | eBird Hotspot 29 Sept 2022 |
Pachycephala fuliginosa | Western Whistler | E | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Pachycephala rufiventris | Rufous Whistler | E | Turpin 1990 |
Pandion haliaetus | Osprey | E | eBird Hotspot 7 Dec 2018 |
Pardalotus punctatus | Spotted Pardalote | E | Kenny 2005 |
Pardalotus striatus | Striated Pardalote | B | Turpin 1990 |
Pelecanus conspicillatus | Australian Pelican | E | eBird Hotspot 15 July 2015 |
Petrochelidon nigricans | Tree Martin | B | eBird Hotspot 3 May 2014 |
Phalacrocorax carbo | Great Cormorant | E | eBird Hotspot 14 Oct 2014 |
Phaps chalcoptera | Common Bronzewing | E | eBird Hotspot 23 Oct 2016 |
Phylidonyris novaehollandiae | New Holland Honeyeater | A | Observed by Friends since 2000 |
Podargus strigoides | Tawny Frogmouth | B | Observed by Friends since 2000 |
Porphyrio melanotus | Australasian Swamphen | E | eBird Hotspot 20 Dec 2014 |
Purpureicephalus spurius | Red-capped Parrot | D | Photographed by Shane Healy Oct 2023, Veronica Mc Phail Oct 2024. |
Rhipidura albiscapa | Grey Fantail | E | eBird Hotspot 4 Aug 2020 |
Rhipidura leucophrys | Willie Wagtail | A | Turpin 1990 |
Smicrornis brevirostris | Weebill | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Spatula rhynchotis | Australasian Shoveler | E | eBird Hotspot 11 July 2021 |
Spilopelia chinensis | Spotted Dove | B | eBird Hotspot 4 June 2014 |
Spilopelia senegalensis | Laughing Dove | B | Turpin 1990 |
Sugomel nigrum | Black Honeyeater | E | eBird Hotspot 15 Dec 2019 |
Threskiornis molucca | Australian White Ibis | D | Audcent (2017-2019) |
Threskiornis spinicollis | Straw-necked Ibis | E | eBird Hotspot 20 Dec 2014 |
Todiramphus sanctus | Sacred Kingfisher | E | eBird Hotspot 3 Oct 2018 |
Trichoglossus moluccanus | Rainbow Lorikeet | B | Kenny 2005 |
Turnix varius | Painted Buttonquail | E | eBird Hotspot 17 Mar 2020 |
Zanda latirostris | Carnaby’s Cockatoo | C | Turpin 1990 |
Zosterops lateralis | Silvereye | D | Turpin 1990 |
Please contact us by email if you have information to add to this table.
Audcent, Robert (2017, 2019) Unpublished reports provided to the Friends.
Kenny, Silver (2005). Ecosystem Health and Function of Kensington Bushland Reserve. School of Environment and Science, Murdoch University. Unpublished paper.
Turpin, MC (1990). Ecological Appraisal of an Isolated Banksia Woodland Reserve No 3694 South of the Swan River, Perth The Western Australian Naturalist, 18, 4/5, P131-138.